By Christopher Haverly
CODE OF BEHAVIOUR Should we accept the fact that God positioned the stars in the universe, and set the scientific laws in place, each according to its specific codes […]
WHOSE COMPASS SHOULD WE USE? “In the family of man, man counsels man, in the family of God, God counsels man. The difference is fundamental and vast.” ~ […]
PEARLS OF WISDOM The book of Proverbs is loaded with many pearls of wisdom which warns us to guard our speech. Here are a few Scriptures related to this […]
PAST AND PRESENT TRUTH Before we journey into the ten conditions of the mind or ten mindsets, there is one other truth to be aware of. Satan is “mindful” […]
WORLDLY VERSUS HEAVENLY We know that man, apart from being able to think is also basically a religious being. There are off course those oddities who try and convince […]
FIVE HEALTHY CONDITIONS Biblical mindsets are caused by the work of the Holy Spirit in conjunction with the Word of God. In contrast to unhealthy mindsets, The Word of […]
THE LIES PEOPLE BELIEVE In Biblical Therapy, we deal with the lies people believe. These lies provide the dynamics for their addictions and life-controlling problems. It is a lie-versus-truth […]
NOT ALWAYS THE TRUTH Not every thought we have is true, though it may feel true. The problem with believing a lie is it may as well be the […]
HEALTHY OR UNHEALTHY Though Biblical Therapy’s primary counselling focus is on person’s belief system, i.e., discovering the lies that influence thought, emotion, and action, gaining an understanding of the […]
PERSECUTED AS CHRISTIANS The true Christian does not fear the death of martyrdom – our greatest fear may be that of disappointing Jesus and renouncing Him in the process. […]